About Us
Holden Law Office provides professional services with a personal touch to individuals and families that are facing issues associated with long-term care and asset management.
Most people have worked all their adult lives to live comfortably in their golden years. Many wish to pass on the fruits of their labor to children and grandchildren. But sometimes debilitating illness can prevent these goals from reaching reality. The average costs of long term care have skyrocketed over the last few years and the costs continue to rise. Without proper legal advice, a comfortable nest egg for retirement will be quickly depleted in a few months. We all have heard the stories from well-intentioned family and friends about how the government will take all your money or the family home before it will pay for nursing home care. This simply is not true. The laws have been designed to prevent a healthy spouse from being impoverished to in order to have the ill spouse qualify for governmental benefits.
WHAT WILL YOU DO? You can call us at Holden Law Office! We assist families in dealing with issues of asset management, government benefits eligibility and estate planning.